| 1. | The following description describes the basic features of the voice recognition mechanism which is based on a speaker dependent is dated word recognition method . 下列叙述说明了以与授话人有关的分离词汇识别法为基础的语音识别机理的基本特点。 |
| 2. | Head ofthe household , my ass . you ain ' t worked in 1 0 years . dependent is more like it 一家之主,放屁你游手好闲了十年,这也算家里的顶梁柱 |
| 3. | Nmake may invoke a rule for an inferred dependent even if an explicit dependent is specified 即使指定了显式依赖项, nmake也可以调用推理依赖项的规则。 |
| 4. | If in the same circumstances , you suffer fatal injury , your dependents are also entitled to claim compensation 若在同等情况下受害人因伤致死,其家属亦有权索取赔偿。 |
| 5. | We sum up the types of the extant mixing dependent , a - mixing dependent is weaker than other mixing dependent 第一章简单地总结了现有的数据混合相依类型。 -混合相依是混合相依中较弱的一种。 |
| 6. | Based on the analysis of models of network with dependent link failures , reliability problems of torus under the condition that link failures are dependent is analysised 在研究链路失效相关的相关模型基础上,分析了链路失效相关条件下的torus网的可靠性问题。 |
| 7. | If a dependent is a target elsewhere and does not exist or is out - of - date with respect to its own dependents , nmake updates the dependent before updating the current dependency 如果某依赖项是其他地方的目标,并且不存在或对于自己的依赖项已过期,则nmake在更新当前依赖项之前更新该依赖项。 |
| 8. | When determining property values to display , properties that visual studio considers configuration dependent are evaluated differently than properties it considers configuration independent 确定要显示的属性值时, visual studio认为依赖于配置的属性的计算方式将不同于它认为独立于配置的属性。 |
| 9. | To ensure that your application will install and run successfully , you must first ensure that all components upon which your application is dependent are already installed on the destination computer 应用程序部署必备( . net framework sdk guide ( 《 . net framework sdk指南》 ) )若要确保应用程序成功安装和运行,必须先确保应用程序依赖的所有组件都已安装在目标计算机上。 |
| 10. | Article 7 when workers retire or resign , their travelling expenses , hotel accommodation on the way to their new residence , transportation of their personal effects and food subsidies as well as those of their lineal dependents are paid according to regulations in force 第七条工人退休、退职的时候,本人及其供养的直系亲属前往居住地点途中所需的车船费、旅馆费、行李搬运费和伙食补助费,都按照现行的规定办理。 |